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What do we offer?

Social Media Listening

Social listening involves analysing conversations and trends related to your brand. These include conversations relevant to your company, competitors and industry. Insights from these conversations are used to make informed marketing decisions.

Seamless Report Aggregation

Social Reach makes way for aggregation of analytics from all across the Social Media Landscape. It will facilitate the extraction of important metrics which will allow you to understand how your business is performing against set KPI’s.

Omnichannel overview of performance

Our omnichannel marketing strategy allows teams to meet their consumers where they are, with the right message at the right time. We try to deliver a unified customer experience that acknowledges the customer journey.

Market Research

Market Research

Discover market trends by doing market research.

Use Social Reach to filter out relevant customer remarks on social media in order to better understand your audience and enhance your marketing plan.

Get insights on your audience.

Identify influencers.

Learn what people love and hate.

Start your journey today

Competitor Spying

Use Social Reach to track competition brands and stay one step ahead of them.

To keep a watch on their internet reputation, set up notifications using the terms of competitors and track the mentions.

Keep an eye on them and gauge your performance in comparison.

Calculate and contrast the voice share on the web and on social media.

Get insights on their social media content.

Start your journey today
Competitor Spying

What we have done so far

We have served many local and global niches from scratches to make them an identified brand. Vivid brands in a wide array of industries including Airlines, Telcos and Internet Services as well as Government-owned authorities to align their Social Media communications and promotions meaningfully and effectively.

With the aid of Social Reach, our clients have been able to closely monitor customer responses and feelings towards their brands and modify their products and services in accordance with the conclusions drawn. The marketing and PR strategies of our customers have changed dramatically as a result of Social Reach's capability to listen to general public feelings and distil them into relevant information together with feedback from the brands' own social media channels.

With the aid of Social Reach, our clients have also been able to go above and beyond by grouping their customer bases in order to run more successful campaigns and communications.